Hello friend
This was the "hello world" post that every new website always comes with. I've simply given it a mild edit to more reflect my snarky yet approachable and affable tone that you'll eventually come around to.

This is The Dystopia Report, a brand new forthcoming blog thing by yours truly. Things will be up and running here sooner or later, but you can subscribe in the meantime if you're antsy and just super eager, and then you'll receive emails when new content is published on this here web blog!
I'm currently just in trial mode and seeing what I think of Ghost and if it's going to be my new leasehold on the interwebs. I've moved my blog around a number of times, across platforms, domains, topics, etc. The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine is my archive. More on all that later if I stick around here. If so, this blog will reboot from my retiring site, treacherous.tech, so check that out if you want to have a gander at what you could be in for here.
In the meantime, watch this space.